Tuesday league - Clive Lampitt and Karl Budd
I've had it pointed out that the league tables (relating to The Cherries) on the 15th January were incorrect. That's now been rectified, extending their lead at the top by another two points.Wednesday league - Bobby Allen and Steve Walton
the Red Lion Brackley team will be moving to the Highfield Social Club.
the White Horse team will be playing at the Bull Launton.
the KEA Club and Swan Grendon Underwood will be joining us.
Tuesday League
League champions - Red Cow
Knockout Cup - Bull Inn
Two and a Half Pairs Cup - Bull Inn
Triples Cup - Dave Gardiner, Keith Lennard, Greg English
Pairs Cup - Nigel King, Kevin Powney
Top Doll - Karl Budd
Wednesday League
League champions - Misfits
Handicap League - Misfits
Knockout Cup - Crown
Two and a Half Pairs Cup - Misfits
Pairs Cup - Dave Reast, Brian Gough
Singles - Liam Fisher
Top Doll - Dougie Revitt
Hi everyone
That’s it, I’m afraid; another summer season has come to an end. Hope you’ve all enjoyed it and already looking forward to next year.
I do realise it gets a bit repetitive but this Newsletter won’t be very much different from those in previous years – except, of course, there will be some changes to team or individual names.
Divisional honours
Premier Division Champions Shakespeare B Runners up Bell A
Division One Champions Red Lion Brackley Runners up Rose & Crown
Division Two Champions Pheasant Inn A Runners up Red Cow
Division Three Champions Butchers Arms Runners up Crown CoO B
Division Four Champions Ex Services Runners up Plough MG Two
Division Five Champions Ardley Utd FC Runners up Barley Mow
Top doll scorer
Doug Revitt (Shakespeare B) – a much improved player from last season (“practice makes perfect” obviously!); average has gone up from 3.483 per leg to 3.90 (almost 4 dolls in every one of his 60 league legs). A great player.
Division Two’s top doll scorer – Dave Futter (White Horse) – 2.86 per leg.
Division Three – Joe Young (Ashton Club) – 2.60.
Division Four – Tracey Denton (Ex Services) – 2.24
Division Five – Alvin Knowles (Barley Mow) – 2.27
Ladies Top Doll Scorer – Tracey Denton (Ex Services) – 2.24
Finals night
Exactly as I said last year, a truly brilliant atmosphere once again - “an aunt sally spectacle”! Despite the threat earlier in the week thast we could possibly be in for a wet night, thankfully, that didn’t happen. In the 15 years I’ve been organising these evenings, we’ve not had a dampened finals night yet – cold at times, but not wet! Long may it continue! We were mighty close ‘cos it certainly came down on Saturday.
It gets better and better! Launton Sports and Social, and their staff, should feel so proud of how they looked after us; special thanks to Steve Golder for arranging and setting up the barriers and the practice throw. Also to those helping out with the refreshments – thank you all very much! My thanks go out to them all for helping to provide a spectacular venue and facilities for such an occasion.
Our sincere thanks to Clear Vision Financial Services for sponsoring the league once again this season – and to the ‘friends of the league’, many of whom wish to remain anonymous. Thank you all once again.
I did have posters scattered about on the night offering our thanks to those companies and individuals who have sponsored some of the trophies this season. Their contributions are very much appreciated. Without them, we wouldn’t be able to afford the quality of trophies that we provide. Thank you all very much.
Finals Night Results
League Cup Winners
In the battle of the Shakespeares, the B team saw off the challenge of the Originals to win 2-1.
League Plate Winners
Tiddington CC beat Crown CoO A 2-1.
Intermediate Cup Winners
Lower Heyford S&SC overcame the challenge of Crown CoO B.
Intermediate Plate Winners
Chandos Arms beat newcomers to the league, Crown Twyford B, 2-0.
Supplementary Cup Winners
The Hundred Acres. Themselves new to the league, beat fellow newcomers, Pheasant Inn B.
Supplementary Plate Winners
Barley Mow, Heyford beat Bell B 2-1.
Triples Winners
Tiddington CC beat the Red Lion Brackley in this newly introduced competition.
The Terry Hawkins Pairs Cup
Clive Lampitt and Norman Brock (Red Lion Brackley) beat Nigel King and Kevin Powney (Bull Inn A).
Division Two Pairs Cup Winners
Liam Fisher and Roger Herbert (Red Cow) saw off the threat of Dave Futter and Mav Giles (White Horse).
Division Three Pairs Cup Winners
Father and son pairing, Charlie and Jack Govier (Long Crendon VC) beat another father and son team, Joe and Ashley Young (Ashton Club).
Division Four Pairs Cup Winners
Last year’s winners, Paul Symonds and Lewis Wilson, lost this time round to Simon North and Trevor Barnett (Crown Twyford B).
Division Five Pairs Cup Winners
Dave Morris and Will Sanders (Pheasant Inn B) got the better of James Ridgeley and Dick Haynes (Barley Mow).
The Steve Huntley Memorial Singles Shield
In his third appearance in the singles final, Dougie Revitt
Winner (Shakespeare B) beat Matty Hillsdon (Crown CoO A) who was playing in his second.
The Laurie Welford Memorial Division Two Singles Winner
Nick Cherry (Launton S&S B) won this one ‘by default’, as his fellow finalist and team mate, Chris Price, was unable to attend.
Division Three Singles winner
James Kirtland rounded off a relatively good season for himself and the Lower Heyford S&SC side by beating the division’s top doll scorer, Joe Young (Ashton Club).
Division Four Singles winner
Keith Lennard (Ex Services) “rolled back the years” to beat Kym Jones (Plough MG Two).
Division Five Singles Winner
Dave Morris (Pheasant Inn B) beat Ian Feaver (Ardley Utd FC).
Ladies Singles winner
Charlotte Cherry Smith (Lower Heyford S&SC) beat last year’s winner, Sophie Thomson (Launton S&S B).
There are a few teams who need to be looking at improving their throws in readiness for next year – with regard to lighting in most cases; so, if you need any equipment or advice please let me know and I’ll do what I can to help.
This is probably the last you’ll hear from me until mid-February when I’ll start sending out application forms and so on for next season; however, as most of you’ll know, I am very approachable and if anyone wishes to contact me to discuss anything Aunt Sally related, then please do so – number’s below.
All in all, a pretty good season. Congratulations to all this season’s winners and commiserations to those who came second best. Don’t let it grind you down, I want to see you all back again next season.
Phil Allen 07578 915693

Annual General Meeting
19th March 2024
held at the Ex Services Club, Bicester
Apologies: Sophie Thomson, John Plested, Lewis Wilson.
Welcome - Phil Allen (Secretary) welcomed everyone to the meeting. How encouraging it was to see so many there (31). He explained that, in the case of any voting throughout the meeting, it would be just one vote per team.
Minutes of the last meeting – Those in attendance were happy with the minutes of the 2023 meeting. Proposed by Nick Cherry and seconded by Amy Sheehan.
Finance – Phil Allen produced a copy of, and discussed, the accounts which had already been distributed. It was explained that the registration fees (£1395) and the competition entrance fees (£299) were, quite obviously, insufficient to cover the expenditure (£3164.71). And this is why he, as treasurer, was so grateful to a number of sponsors who donated another £1190. It was then further discussed that next season (2025) the registration fees should be increased to £50 per team. All members present were happy with the paperwork produced. Proposed by Billy Atwell and seconded by Ant Bradbeer.
Election of officers – the secretary explained that both he and the chairman, George Deans, would be happy to stand again but asked everyone in attendance to bear in mind that the time is near (like, next year!) when members should be considering a replacement for the long standing secretary.
Nomination Proposer Seconder
Chairman/MC George Deans Aimee Sheehan Billy Atwell ) Proposed, seconded
Secretary Phil Allen Aimee Sheehan Billy Atwell ) and voted for en bloc
Treasurer Phil Allen Aimee Sheehan Billy Atwell )
Constitution of the League
We will continue as last year, ie:
nine players may be used in the match
five legs
six players per leg
players can be changed in each leg if desired
in the event of a drawn leg, three stickers and then one sticker (if necessary), staying on one stick
one point for a win
Divisions cannot be formulated until completed registration forms are received by the secretary.
The only team known to be dropping out is Launton S&S Divas.
Teams known to be keen to join us are Ardley United FC, Barley Mow, Bicester Bowls Club, Crown Twyford B and Pheasant Inn B.
In the hope of finding more new teams, the secretary has written to a number of “new” pubs to see if they
would like to join us and is awaiting further response.
It was reiterated by the secretary that it wasn’t possible to say at the meeting which team would be in which division. This cannot be done, of course, until the completed registration forms have been returned. And, to amplify this, the secretary will continue to check the registration forms to see if any “higher class” player has dropped into a lower team thereby increasing that team’s potential average. Should that be the case, then consideration will be given as to whether that benefiting team should be in a higher division – and, maybe, if the losing team should drop down.
Fixtures/Cup Competitions
The 2024 season will commence on Wednesday 24th April.
As in recent years, there will be no free weeks in the fixtures – unless, of course, it’s a cup week and teams have already been knocked out. The “divisional” singles and pairs competitions have proven to be a great success and every effort will be given to playing down to the final at each venue, thus eliminating any need for a semi finals night.
With teams now comprising of six players, the previous four a side competition will be replaced by a triples competition.
Any other business
The secretary thanked all of our sponsors for their support last season and explained we couldn’t have managed without their help.
Result reporting this coming season will continue to be via WhatsApp.
Karl Budd proposed that the secretary takes his wife out for a meal, paid for out of league funds.
If an away team cannot fulfil a fixture because of a lack of players, or intend not turning up because of
inclement weather, then they are asked to notify the opposition by midday. If the home team/hosting pub or
club have that feeling, or suspect that the visiting team will not turn up, then, to save unnecessary
expenditure, they do not have to prepare food. If cancellation is due to the weather, both teams must
understand that food is unlikely to be prepared.
League Champions | Red cow | League Champions | Misfits | |
Runners Up | Bull Inn | Runners Up | Crown | |
Handicap League Champions | Lower Heyford S&SC | Handicap League Champions | Misfits | |
Runners Up | Mr&MrsFits | Runners Up | The Cherries | |
Knockout Cup Winners | Bull Inn | Knockout Cup Winners | Crown | |
Runners Up | Ex Services | Runners Up | Bell | |
Knockout Plate Winners | RiffRaff | Knockout Plate Winners | Unwanted | |
Runners Up | Launton S&S | Runners Up | Ex Services | |
Two and a Half Pairs Cup Winners | Bull Inn | Two and a Half Pairs Cup Winners | Misfits | |
Runners Up | Lower Heyford S&SC | Runners Up | Crown | |
Two and a Half Pairs Plate Winners | Red Cow | Two and a Half Pairs Plate Winners | Unwanted | |
Runners Up | Lower Heyford S&SC | Runners Up | Ex Services | |
Triples Winners | Dave Gardiner, Keith Lennard, Greg English | Triples Winners | Clive Lampitt, Jamie Wiltshire, Greg English | |
Runners up | Karl Budd, Terry Hawkins, Dave Vear | Runners Up | Bobby Allen, Ray Rowe, Zak Vear | |
Pairs Winners | Nigel King and Kevin Powney | Pairs Winners | Dave Reast and Brian Gough | |
Runners Up | Ant Bradbeer and Keith Lennard | Runners Up | Karl Budd and Jeremy Launchbury | |
Singles Winner | Tony Nichols | Singles Winner | Liam Fisher | |
Runner Up | Baz Bazile | Runner Up | Brian Gough | |
League Top Doll Scorer | Karl Budd | League Top Doll Scorer | Dougie Revitt | |

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Registration form 2017.odt Size : 20.276 Kb Type : odt |
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Aunt Sally Score Card.docx Size : 13.386 Kb Type : docx |
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